Success for the Christmas party of the Storti Group: 500 employees together to celebrate a record year!

Success for the Christmas party of the Storti Group: 500 employees together to celebrate a record year!

Piadena, 19 December 2023 - On Saturday 16 December, the Storti Group held its Christmas party at the Pallex warehouse in Piadena. An event that saw the participation of more than 500 employees, from all the companies of the group, to celebrate together the successes of the year just passed.
The evening began with the greetings of Elvezio, Stefano and Massimo Storti to all those present, followed by an exciting video that retraces the achievements of the group in 2023. A year full of challenges, but also great satisfactions, which has seen Storti Group consolidate its position as market leader.
A particularly touching moment was the speech by Alberto Cova, Hengi’s business consultant and Olympic marathon champion, who shared with the attendees his philosophy as a winning athlete, Underlining the importance of teamwork and perseverance to success.

The musical entertainment was entrusted to a group of Mexican Mariachi, the guys of the "Pop Jukebox" who welcomed guests with classic national and international Christmas ballads and the duo of presenters and dj cremonesi "Andrea e Michele" We came directly from Radio Deejay, who accompanied the audience with a musical game in teams. Afterwards, Ana Dragan entertained the guests with typical Romanian dances, while Andrea and Michele made everyone dance with a dj set.
"Our year was intense, full of challenges, essential to look positively at the future," said Elvezio Storti. "It’s not the night to say things that around us are still not going, we would be crying. I would like to thank all the workers for the challenges we are winning and those we will win again".
The elegant Christmas party of the Storti Group was an opportunity to celebrate the successes achieved, but also to strengthen the team spirit and look with confidence to the future. A future that, as Elvezio Storti has pointed out, will be full of challenges, which the Storti Group is ready to face with determination and determination.